European Union – residencY & citizenship
“There is only one passport in the world that provides unrestricted living rights in 30+ countries…”
Start with an EU residence permit to gain access to all Schengen and EU member states
Or go straight for the ultimate freedom tool – the EU citizenship
by The Passport
How to obtain EU residency & citizenship
and why is the EU residence permit & citizenship your best choice
EU Residence Permit
A residence permit, speaking broadly, is the permit a country grants to a foreigner that allows him to reside long-term in it territory. Basically each country provides some sort of residence permits. The most famous probably is the US Green Card, which allows its holder to reside permanently in the USA.
In the European Union, each country issues its own residence permit. The uniqueness of the EU residence permit is that it allows the holder not only to reside in the particular country, but to also travel and stay in all 27 EU member states plus Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. No other residence permit in the world is so powerful as the EU residence card.
EU Citizenship & Passport
Each EU member state has its own citizenship laws and provides different conditions to foreigners, willing to become citizens. In general, it is quite difficult to obtain EU passport. All EU countries have freedom to decide on their citizenship and naturalisation procedures, but they are strictly monitored by the EU Commission. This is to ensure that EU citizenship is not granted to foreigners that may potentially pose a threat to the European society. As result, all EU countries have gradually tightened their naturalisation requirements. The investment citizenship laws (a.k.a. Golden Passport) were also seriously tightened in recent years.
Opportunities for fast-track EU citizenship still exist
Nevertheless, there are still some golden opportunities if one wants to obtain EU passport. From all EU countries, it is Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal that offer feasible options for granting fast-track citizenship or residence permit. The procedures are far from easy though. It takes time and a lot of work to beat the EU bureaucracy, but that’s what we are here for – to help you get your EU passport a.s.a.p.
Why not a Caribbean passport?
We firmly believe that EU residency and citizenship can’t be compared with anything else. Obtaining a second citizenship is a life-changing event and your new homeland better be a good one. We are not trying to suggest that a passport from a tiny island country is a bad thing, not at all. But is it worth the hassle? We don’t think so. The US and the EU are already introducing visa regime for these countries, making their passports virtually worthless.
A Caribbean passport may be a good thing for someone with “extremely urgent needs”. But it definitely lacks the lustre of the EU citizenship.

— Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life...
Bob Marley
Why choose us?
We believe we know better than anyone else the EU legal residency & citizenship legislation. Period!
This may be a bold statement, but we know what’s “on offer” on the marketplace. Virtually everyone who offers assistance for EU legal residency and citizenship has very little to do with the particular EU country itself. Agents from all over the world will offer you assistance in a country they know nothing about. What they do is they read other agents websites and use it for their own content (they do that with our texts too). And when one of those “foreign agents” spits out something really ridiculous about a particular program, within a week the “news” is on 90% of the websites offering residency and citizenship services.
How we will save you money?
We will not save you money. We will save you a LOT OF MONEY! Did you know that in 95% of the cases, you will be paying 20% and more as hidden commission to your “agent” when you “invest” in EU real estate? Did you know that most Golden Visa applicants have paid nearly double for their properties? Why do you think virtually all agents will be actively recommending you investment in real estate rather than any other option?
Real estate is not a bad thing to pour your money in. But you don’t have to pay “tourist prices” for brick and mortar. With us, you will be investing wisely – not spending stupidly.
Cutting out the middleman
Working with “agents” who know nothing about the particular EU country is not only dangerous (as they don’t know the laws). It is also expensive, very expensive. When you become client of one of those “agents”, you are becoming also a client of many middlemen, who will be assisting for your application. You will most probably even become our client, as we will ultimately do the job in Bulgaria or Portugal. So why don’t you save yourself all the money and hassle?
More about the benefits of the EU residence permit and citizenship
Choice of residence
When it comes to choice of residence, having the right citizenship is vital. Here is where the unique structure of the European Union really shines. All EU citizens can reside in any EU member state without any limitations. With EU passport1, one can settle in any EU country, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland as well as in many EU overseas territories. This makes more than 30 countries to choose from – if you are fortunate enough to be EU citizen.
1 All passports issues by EU member states are considered to be EU passports. These are the passports issued by Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Visa-free travel
Only about 10% of the world population can travel freely (visa-free) to most countries worldwide. For all the rest, international travel always comes with certain degree of uncertainty (because visa must be obtained in advance).
With an EU passport one can stay in all EU member states, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. The Schengen agreement is ensuring that there are not even border checks, so you are the only one who knows in which EU member state you are currently staying/living. The EU passport allows visa-free travel to huge number of other countries, including Canada, Australia, Japan, etc.
EU citizenship by investment – the second best solution
Obtaining an EU passport through a Golden Visa program.
Citizenship of the European Union provides more freedom than any other citizenship in the world. No other passport allows its holder to travel visa-free and to reside in 30+ countries.
Unfortunately however, EU citizenship is hard to get if you aren’t born as EU citizen.
Here is where our expertise matters most. We are assisting high-net-worth individuals to obtain EU citizenship by investment. The procedures to obtain EU investment citizenship become more complicated by the day. Currently, there are only a few EU countries that have certain legal options to obtain citizenship by investment.
And the winner is – EU citizenship for special merits
The “Rolls Royce” of the EU citizenship programs
Available only for the “chosen” few, citizenship for special merits is the fastest option to get naturalised in the EU. Unfortunately this option is not available for everybody. Only those who can find the right approach to convince the EU country that they are worthy to be granted a passport will qualify. Our assistance however can increase your chances dramatically. If you believe you have the potential to qualify, we are ready to discuss the options.